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What is ADD/ADHD?

What is attention deficit disorder and what causes it?
Let’s start by saying that it’s an imbalance in certain neurotransmitters in the brain caused by one or more nutritional deficiencies.
For example, several clinical studies have revealed a magnesium deficiency in children suffering from this disorder. This may be due to: a lack of magnesium in the diet, a defect in its absorption or even a lack of vitamin B6 which is involved in magnesium absorption. The chemical form of magnesium is important.
Other dietary factors may also contribute to the imbalance of neurotransmitters responsible for attention deficit.
Learn more about Dietary Factors
Let's see what is a cofactor. It's an element that activates an enzymatic reaction. Some of the cofactors listed below have been shown to be effective in clinical studies;
Cofactor 1: Magnesium
Many cases of attention deficit disorder are associated with magnesium deficiency. The general population suffers from magnesium deficiency. Indeed, Moussain-Bosc's excellent clinical studies of magnesium-deficient children showed that supplementing with this mineral could reverse certain disorders, including attention deficit disorders and aggressive behavior.
Cofactor 2: Vitamin B6
As B6 is involved in the transport of Mg++ into cells, and Mg++ promotes the transport of B6, itself involved as a cofactor, each of the two cofactors amplifies the effects of the other.
Cofactor 3: Zinc
Zinc is another cofactor essential for neurotransmitter synthesis and balance. Zn++ deficiency can cause attention deficit symptoms.
Cofactor 4: Copper
Zinc supplementation can cause an imbalance in copper, which is also a cofactor involved in the manufacture of neurotransmitters.

Other Factor : Unsaturated Fatty Acids
Certain unsaturated (essential) fatty acids, which must be supplied by the diet. The mode of action of these fatty acids is poorly understood. We know, from clinical studies, that they are essential for maintaining the ability to concentrate and pay attention observed in cases of attention deficit and ADHD.
- Hyperactivity - The magnesium solution: Mousain-Bosc, Marian.
Dr Mousain-Bosc shows how a treatment based on this mineral dramatically improves the daily life of hyperactive, autistic, epileptic children.
Why Bioflash’s scientific approach is different?
Why our products are so efficient with no side-effects?
Our products are aimed at restoring the balance (homeostasis) that normally exists in the brain. It is based on a biochemical scientific approach. More specifically, we target certain neurotransmitters that determine our emotions and behaviour. The natural ingredients that we introduce interact with the cell metabolism to restore the equilibrium.
The results obtained with our novel formula led us to obtain a patent from the US patent Office. We also obtained a certification security number from Health Canada. Agency that ensures the natural ingredients are acceptable at the dose recommended.

What is Synapset and its formula
A new and unique patented formula bringing together cofactors in a well balanced chemical formula, at right concentration combined with polyunsaturated fatty acids allowing:
- To correct nutritional deficiencies observed in individuals suffering from ADD/ADHD: Magnesium. Zinc, Vitamin B6 and Omega 3 fatty acids
- Help support cognitive health and brain function
- Clinical studies have shown that children suffering from ADD/ADHD were deficient in certain Omega-3 and that an addition of EPA to their diet had a positive impact on their behavior
Treated individuals found new mental acuity, new well-being with an improved ability to concentrate.